Americans: Keepers of the Truth, or Ignorance?

EDIT: Sorry for you folks who couldn't get to the story. Here's a summary:
In surveys conducted in 2005, people in the United States and 32 European countries were asked whether to respond “true,” “false” or “not sure” to this statement: “Human beings, as we know them, developed from earlier species of animals.” The same question was posed to Japanese adults in 2001.
The result was that Americans were second to last in answering "True". Turkey was the country with people least likely to believe in evolution. Countries like France, Japan, and Great Britain were more near the top.
The story can be found here at The New York Times site, but you have to be a member to look at it now. Joining is quick and free.
I will refrain from commenting myself. Be sure to look at the bar graph here. I encourage any and all comments and discussion. Although I would like to suggest to drive the discussion more toward America is this way and have it focus less on the subject of evolution. I don't wish to start any more world wars. Philosophic banter is fun, religious flaming is not.