It's A Celebration!
Wow, it's been so long since I posted anything on this silly blog.
But, enough about that, we have an occasion to celebrate! I got a new laptop! It's so small and sleek. It's a tablet PC. The screen rotates around and lays down, so I can write and draw on it! It's a lot of fun. The only real downside is that it came with Windows Vista. I'm still a Vista n00b. I'm getting used to it though.
So, on to the most important reason for this post. Because of the shiny new abilities of my laptop, I realized that I could draw things and post them in the Great Intertron for all to see! So I decided to do just that. But what to draw, you might ask. Well, when I was a much smaller younger Sean, somewhere abouts fourth or fifth grade, I used to draw a comic every few days and pass it around the classroom. It became somewhat popular before I quit doing it. Anyway, my comic was called The Adventures of Sean The Worm, or just Sean The Worm for short. It was a three panal comic that I would draw on a sideways piece of notebook paper, all landscape style. It had four main characters, all named after my best friends at the time. There was, of Course, Sean the worm, Luke the mouse, Rachael the cat, and Julia the dog. It was a lot of fun to draw. So, I decided for my first drawing project on my new laptop I would revive my old comic at least this once. It was drawn completely in MS Paint and is posted below. Please read it and enjoy. Don't make to much fun of my poor drawing skills. Although I do appreciate any and all comments.
UPDATE: I'm having trouble getting the bitmap to upload. Blogger has an 8 meg limit and it's only 7. Please enjoy this much lower quality Jpeg while I try to get this figured out. sorry.

Labels: comic strip, New computer